  • IDENTIFICATION OF ISSUE:  Development of innovative ideas
  • APPLIED THEORY: Systems Theory
  • PRACTICAL THEORY: Learning the innovative process of development
  • LINKED THEORIES:  System Theory Niklas-Luhmann & Hawthorne Theory            
  • SOLUTION: Correcting the old system into a new innovation.

👀In 19th century Europe, Robert Owen and Charles Babbage developed the human resources field, emphasizing the importance of people in an organization's success(McWilliams & Siegel, 1997). 

👀The father of human resource management (HRM) is generally considered to be George Elton Mayo, an Australian-American social psychologist who conducted Hawthorne Studies in the 1920s and 1930s(Bosch & Lazić, 2015).

👀The whole Human Resource planning is an evolving process as it is a part of Human Resource management; it is an evolution from scientific management developed in the late 19th century by Frederick Winslow Taylor and the System Theory by Niklas-Luhmann.

  • Organizational Lifecycle Theory
  • Strategic Contingency Theory
  • General Systems Theory
  • Transaction Cost Theory

🙆Organizational lifecycle theory, the first HR theory, posits that organizations, like living organisms, have life cycles. These cycles include birth, growth, maturity, decline, and death. Studying the organizational life cycle has led to predictive models, highlighting the impact of external and internal factors on growth and development. This theory is also applicable to products and industries(Ruta, 2005a).

💁Strategic contingency theory is an HR theory based on the concept of contingency and strategic aspects. It suggests that a leader becomes central due to their unique skills in solving HR challenges, making them difficult to replace. This theory highlights the importance of effective management in an organization(McWilliams & Siegel, 1997).

💁General Systems theory is an HRM theory that focuses on the interdisciplinary study of systems, which are cohesive conglomerations of interrelated parts, either natural or human-made. Systems are bounded by space and time, influenced by their environment, and defined by their structure and purpose. Changes in one part of a system can affect others or the whole system. The goal of systems theory is to model system dynamics, constraints, and principles for optimized equality, making it a widely spoken HR theory(Ruta, 2005b).

🙆Transaction cost theory is an HR theory in corporate governance and agency theory, focusing on the costs arising from external transactions. It describes governance frameworks as based on internal and external transactions, rather than contractual relationships. Transaction costs include search and information costs, bargaining and decision costs, and monitoring and enforcement costs. Management aims to internalize transactions to reduce risks and uncertainties about prices and quality(Welch, 1975).


Today's HR Activities
In today’s HR world, we ensure that we cover several specialist disciplines, including:

  • Diversity (plus other aspects of employment law)
  • Reward (including compensation, benefits, pensions)
  • Resourcing (such as recruitment, disciplinary and redundancy processes)
  • Employee relations (including performance and absence management)
  • Organisation development and design
  • Learning and development
  • Correcting systems, policies & procedures

                                                            (Marois et al., 2008)

These disciplines ensure that your business is working to best practice, within the law and making maximum use of its team. This offers financial and operational benefits to the business and team(Farndale et al., 2010).


🔰HR executives often handle administrative tasks like recruitment, performance measurement, training, and compensation, but they lack strategic alignment. Empowering the HR department can enhance business strategy by supporting growth and success(Wright et al., 2003).

🔰An effective HR strategy aligns with business strategy, enhancing alignment of activities and ensuring the HR department understands business demands, ensuring organizational success(Whittaker & Marchington, 2003).

🔰Organizations must adapt to external and internal factors that alter job roles and skill sets, requiring an HR strategy that aligns with the organization's strategy(Mitsuhashi et al., 2000).

🔰Supported and trained employees lead to increased productivity and satisfaction, while positive organizations face fewer recruitment hurdles, emphasizing the importance of HR strategy in organizational strategy(Marois et al., 2008).

HR strategy is crucial for an organization's growth and development, as it identifies employees' skills and capabilities, making it a key driver of strategy(Farndale et al., 2010).

                                                             (Farndale et al., 2010)

Importance of Organizational Theory to Businesses

Organizational theory is a crucial field for managers and leaders to optimize their organizations' processes, structures, and strategies. It examines the behavior, structure, and function of organizations, focusing on the efficiency of the organization. An online Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a concentration in Management from Arkansas State University can enhance managerial expertise by combining practical leadership skills with advanced cognitive theories. Students can customize the degree to meet their personal interests and professional goals(Bosch & Lazić, 2015).

Organizational theory consists of six types: classical, neo-classical, modern, continuity, motivation, and open systems. Each type focuses on different aspects of a business, such as task division, employee behavior, decision-making, motivation, and environmental factors influencing an organization(McWilliams & Siegel, 1997).

Organizational theory is crucial for businesses as it enhances decision-making, improves efficiency and productivity, fosters innovation and adaptability, and promotes effective leadership. It provides a systematic framework for managers to analyze complex situations and make informed choices. It helps identify bottlenecks and optimize resource allocation, enabling companies to streamline processes and improve communication. Organizational theory also helps leaders identify strengths and weaknesses, allocate resources effectively, and create a supportive work environment that encourages employee engagement. Overall, organizational theory is essential for businesses to succeed(Ruta, 2005a)


Organizational lifecycle theory, strategic contingency theory, general systems theory, and transaction cost theory are all HR theories that focus on the life cycles of organizations. Organizational lifecycle theory posits that organizations have life cycles, while strategic contingency theory emphasizes the importance of effective management. General systems theory focuses on the interdisciplinary study of systems, aiming to optimize equality. Transaction cost theory, in corporate governance and agency theory, focuses on the costs arising from external transactions, aiming to reduce risks and uncertainties about prices and quality.In the HR field, we cover diverse, reward, resourcing, employee relations, organization development, learning, and system and policy correction.HR executives often manage administrative tasks like recruitment, performance measurement, training, and compensation but lack strategic alignment. Empowering the HR department can enhance business strategy, support growth, and ensure organizational success. An effective HR strategy aligns with business demands, adapts to external and internal factors, and increases productivity and satisfaction. HR strategy is crucial for organizational growth and development.

Reference list entry

Farndale, E., Scullion, H., & Sparrow, P. (2010). The role of the corporate HR function in global talent management. Journal of World Business45(2), 161–168.

McWilliams, A., & Siegel, D. S. (1997). The role of money Managers in Assessing Corporate social reponsibility Research. ˜the œJournal of Investing/˜the œJournal of Investing6(4), 98–107.

Marois, C., Macintosh, B., Barman, T., Zuckerman, B., Song, I., Patience, J., Lafrenière, D., & Doyon, R. (2008). Direct imaging of multiple planets orbiting the Star HR 8799. Science (New York, N.Y.)322(5906), 1348–1352.

Mitsuhashi, H., Park, H. J., Wright, P. M., & Chua, R. S. (2000). Line and HR executives’ perceptions of HR effectiveness in firms in the People’s Republic of China. International Journal of Human Resource Management11(2), 197–216.

Whittaker, S., & Marchington, M. (2003). Devolving HR responsibility to the line. Employee Relations25(3), 245–261.

Wright, P. M., Gardner, T. M., & Moynihan, L. M. (2003). The impact of HR practices on the performance of business units. Human Resource Management Journal13(3), 21–36.


  1. Well explained about the HRM topics , Understanding HR strategies benefits not only for Company success and as well as for the employees

    1. To add more info The core element of Luhmann's theory pivots around the problem of the contingency of meaning, and thereby it becomes a theory of communication besides Social systems are systems of communication, and society is the most encompassing social system.

  2. Great findings Amesha. The theoretical aspect of HRM is greatly explained. Any organization that plans to implement an effective HRM policy should need to have a critical evaluation of each of the theories present and adopt the best possible. This choice may differ as the needs of the organizations are varied. Also the neccesity of in depth knowledge on the part of the HR professionals too can never be undermined. A better equipped HR professional will provide a greater environment for the other employees to flourish within the organization.

    1. Yes ashan! and Organizations, like living organisms, have life cycles, starting from birth, growing and developing, reaching maturity, declining, and eventually dying. Studying the organizational life cycle has led to predictive models, influenced by external and internal factors. Organizations, like products, have life cycles, as recognized by marketing and sales experts.

  3. Thank you, Amesha, for shedding light on how organizational lifecycle theory, strategic contingency theory, general systems theory, and transaction cost theory shape our understanding of organizational dynamics. It emphasizes the importance of aligning HR strategies with business objectives to drive growth and success. Additionally, it underscores the significance of organizational theory in optimizing processes, structures, and strategies for enhanced efficiency and productivity

    1. You should also understand that Social systems are groups of people working together towards a common goal, involving activities like strategic planning, business planning, product development, marketing, and financial management. They clarify goals, take steps, evaluate progress, and adjust activities for efficiency. Individuals are systems themselves.

  4. Nice article Amesha.To put HR theories into practice, organizations can customize their strategies based on these theories to fit their goals and unique needs. This involves training employees using theoretical insights, designing effective performance evaluations, and adapting policies for a positive work environment.

    1. Thank you and also Social systems undergo life cycles, from start-up to maturity, where individuals develop wisdom, plan, and manage themselves. Infancy, childhood, and early-teenage phases are marked by rapid growth, often characterized by impulsive, reactive decisions. As individuals mature, they gain wisdom, manage themselves, and adapt to challenges in life and work.

  5. Wonderfully done. Good reaserching and Analysing. Organisational theory is well Explained in this article. Knowing Organisational theory is a win win situation for both Employees and employers. Bravo

    1. Thank you so much! and also Product managers understand the systematic recurring activities of planning, developing, implementing, evaluating, and adjusting plans for products and services. They understand the life cycle of these activities and their typical traits, identifying priorities and potential problems to address for product or service maturity.

  6. Nice to see theories applied in the workplace to manage people and their performance, Amesha. You have written a nice article by delving deep into the roots of Human Resources. It was a good read.

    1. Yes anji! and always remember to Create a task list ahead of time is important as an HR and Write out a task list in a planner the night before you're scheduled to go to work. Include work-related tasks and tasks that are unrelated to work. Tasks that aren't work-related need to be written down, especially if they take place during the workday.

  7. Nice article, Amehsa. HRM theories address workplace legal and ethical issues. By adopting these suggestions, organisations can reduce legal risks and comply with labour laws.

    1. Thank You, Dilshad! Highlight more on your gathered knowledge Organizing involves the manager determining how to distribute resources and arrange employees according to the plan. The manager will need to identify different roles, delegate authority, assign work, and provide direction so that subordinates can work towards the plan without having barriers in their way.

  8. Interesting article Amesha. Organizations can adapt their tactics based on HR theories to meet their own objectives and goals in order to put these ideas into effect. This entails creating efficient performance evaluation systems, modifying regulations to promote a happy work environment, and providing theoretical insights for staff training.

    1. Yes and in organizations The manager's role includes the includes: is mainly Setting objectives 2) Analyzing and Leading plus Making decisions finally Reviewing. Managers are split into three levels: Low-level managers, middle-level managers and top-level managers.

  9. Interesting point about improving existing systems for innovation. While I agree it's important to improve existing processes, wouldn't true innovation also involve creating entirely new approaches?

    1. Yes thinking about that They were initially identified as five functions by Henri Fayol in the early 1900s. Over the years, Fayol's functions were combined and reduced to the following four main functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

  10. Good article to review and you have mentioned several theories could be apply as HR professionals in the current context. Mainly diversity is most of organization have concern about respecting, believing have diversity team will gain the better outcome for organization as well as team also. Because Diversity is some of mix of all the member.

    1. Thank You thilini and always keep in mind The Golden Rule maxim has a positive and negative injunction governing workplace conduct: Treat others as you would like others to treat you (positive form). Do not treat others in ways that you would not like to be treated (negative form)

  11. Very Informative! The most important part of HRM in modern world is strategic HRM. Direction of the HR Department has to be in-line with the organizational direction. A very good explanation about organizational theory too. It is very important learning point for all of us.

    1. And also I would like to add that People management is a holistic way to support employees' work, growth, and well-being. Management roles require a balance of supporting others while contributing your own work. Therefore Managers should use feedback from direct reports to learn how they can improve as leaders.

  12. Nice article Amesha. These theories help HR professionals navigate complex challenges in managing people effectively within diverse workplace environments.

  13. This article provides a comprehensive overview of various theories applied in organizations, particularly focusing on human resource management (HRM) and organizational theory. It highlights the significance of theories such as Systems Theory, Hawthorne Theory, Organizational Lifecycle Theory, Strategic Contingency Theory, General Systems Theory, and Transaction Cost Theory in understanding and managing organizational processes and dynamics., it stresses the importance of aligning HR strategy with overall business strategy, highlighting the critical role HR plays in supporting organizational growth and success. By empowering HR departments and ensuring strategic alignment, businesses can leverage their human capital more effectively to achieve their objectives.
    Furthermore, the article discusses the importance of organizational theory for businesses, elucidating its role in optimizing processes, enhancing decision-making, fostering innovation, and promoting effective leadership. It acknowledges the diverse perspectives within organizational theory, ranging from classical to modern approaches, and underscores their collective significance in enabling businesses to navigate complex environments and achieve sustainable success. (Your Article Library, 2015)
    Overall, this article provides valuable insights into the theoretical foundations of HRM and organizational management, illustrating their practical implications for contemporary business practices.

    1. Thank you so much ! and also I would like to add that Systems theory assumes complex systems are made up of smaller systems and their interactions create a larger one. Its universal application in various fields helps professionals like social workers and psychologists benefit their clients. A general systems theory can unify natural and social sciences, improving understanding of their interrelatedness and impact on daily life.

  14. Agreed and it is important to adapt these theories in an organization depending on the specific context, industry, and challenges faced by the organization.

    1. i would also like to add that Systems psychology studies human behavior within complex systems, focusing on the interactions between individuals, communities, and populations. It is an interdisciplinary branch of ecology that uses systems theory to examine biological and ecological interactions. .

  15. Absolutely Amesha ! Organizational theory is vital for businesses, enabling better decision-making, efficiency, innovation, and leadership. It offers a systematic framework to analyze complex situations, optimize resources, and foster a supportive work environment for employee engagement. In essence, it's essential for business success. Nicely written !

  16. Informative and well explained the details. Useful article for all HR professionals

    1. yes and Social systems theory's limitations include difficulty in identifying and addressing problems, particularly at cultural and policy levels, and in understanding clients' social and cultural backgrounds, potentially preventing progress.

  17. Loved diving into this blog on HRM theories and their application in today’s workplaces! It’s fascinating to see how theories from the past shape modern HR strategies. Really brings to light the dynamic and evolving nature of human resource management. Great read!

    1. Thankyou ! and i would also like to add A positive work environment is crucial for a company's success and employee happiness, ensuring a positive work-life balance through a positive company culture.

  18. Human Resource Management (HRM) is a dynamic field that draws upon various theories and frameworks to guide organizational practices and strategies. Understanding and applying these theories can enhance HRM effectiveness and contribute to organizational success.

    1. Yes and we can clearly understand that Organizational leadership is crucial for business success, and the HRM department plays a vital role in finding the right executives. A successful HRM department can convince the board of its recruits, and effective leadership requires active advisory engagement with other leaders to provide input for the company's future.

  19. Organizational theory provides firms with a framework for guidance that helps them manage complexity, increase productivity, encourage innovation, and develop successful leadership. Organizational theory can help businesses position themselves for long-term growth and success in the fast-paced commercial environment of today.

    1. Yes Neashara and i would like to add that Talent is a vital asset for an organization's success. The human resources management system aids in maintaining this by creating a comprehensive staffing blueprint, forecasting future needs, and recruiting and retaining top talent, a practice that many successful businesses take pride in.

  20. Very insightful article . Also organizational theory empowers managers and leaders to make informed decisions that align with their organization's goals and objectives.

    1. Thank you! Developing a good company culture helps in attracting talented job candidates and organizations but to The better the calibre of employees a business recruits, the better performance is assured.

  21. Yes and we also can understand that Purposeful hiring and effective communication are examples of HRM. They both steer the organization towards its long-term goal. Effective communication fosters transparency and creates an open forum discussion where various concerns are addressed.

  22. Human resource theories explain how management practises and structures can influence employee behaviour in a favourable or bad way

    1. Yes! Management practices usually refer to the working methods and innovations that managers use to improve the effectiveness of work systems. One should understand that Common management practices include: empowering staff, training staff, introducing schemes for improving quality, and introducing various forms of new technology.

  23. Really insightful article on the blend of HR theories and modern practices! It's cool to see the past and present coming together to shape the future of workplaces. How do you think these theories will adapt to new trends in the working world?

    1. Yes Ramesh and I would like you to gain more knowledge please note these below points.... The following are the three main theoretical underpinnings of Human Resource Development i.e. economic theory, system theory and the psychological theory. The economic theory of Human Resource Development is concerned with the allocation of scarce resources to the most efficient needs.

  24. Agreed. Human resource theories explain how management practises and structures can influence employee behaviour in a favourable or bad way.

    1. Actually an interesting factor is ! The first Henry Fayol principle of management is based on the theory that if an employee is given a specific task to do, they will become more efficient and skilled in it. This is opposed to a multi-tasking culture where an employee is given so many tasks to do at once. This highlights HRM more

  25. Well explained on HRM theories and topics. Great Article

    1. Yes Nabeel and It follows a hierarchical structure where one leader makes the decisions. This management theory is based on the assumption that employees/workers have only financial needs. If the company can fulfil the employee’s financial needs, that is motivation enough for increased productivity. While there is a clear division of labor and clarity in management, some criticisms are involved. It does not factor in developing relations with employees and fails to provide ground for innovation.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Yes Amesha
    If i add some more on this,
    HR policies and procedures help with several things:
    *Offering clear communication between the company and its workforce about the employment terms and conditions
    *Forming a base to treat all employees equally and impartially
    *Setting guidelines for managers and supervisors
    *Creating a base to develop the workforce handbook
    *Establishing a base for reviewing changes impacting teams
    *Forming a context for companies' training programs and employee recruitment programs

    1. Yes and to highlight on a training program Onboarding is an easy example of employee training program. It is generally the first type of training a company offers to new hires. That's because this is a type of introductory training, where employees learn more about the company's culture, values and internal policies.

  28. Well explanation made, and totally agree on theories and strategies critically evaluated showing the importance of modern HR theories from Organizational Lifecycle Theory to Transaction Cost Theory. Wow. Great effort.

    1. Thank you! and also i would like to add that The life-cycle hypothesis (LCH) is an economic theory that describes the spending and saving habits of people over the course of a lifetime. The theory states that individuals seek to smooth consumption throughout their lifetime by borrowing when their income is low and saving when their income is high.

  29. Good Article, Ability, Motivation and Opportunity. These three elements have been identified as the significant factors that shape how employees interact with organisations and organisational performance as a whole.

    1. Thank you and Organizational performance refers to how well an organization is doing to reach its vision, mission, and goals. Assessing organizational performance is a vital aspect of strategic management. Executives must know how well their organizations are performing to figure out what strategic changes, if any, to make.

  30. Nice! Based on this article, Organizations can tailor their HR strategies to align with established theories, thereby optimizing effectiveness and addressing specific organizational objectives and individual requirements.

    1. Yes besides It is a comprehensive evaluation of not just are you doing things right, but whether you are doing the right things. Organizational performance management focuses on individual employees, as well as on teams, programs, processes, and the organization as a whole.

  31. Very informative article. You have nicely written how to effectively link theoretical concepts such as Systems Theory and Hawthorne Theory to practical solutions for correcting outdated systems into new innovations


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