• IDENTIFICATION OF ISSUEThe improvement in personal growth
  • APPLIED THEORY: Kolb's Learning Cycle theory 
  • PRACTICAL THEORY: Understanding the process of working
  • LINKED THEORIES: Kolb's theory  and Reflective observant                  
  • SOLUTION: Engaging in new activities with the Organization.         

David Kolb's approach to reflection focuses on the learner's process as they engage with an event or training session. This experiential learning cycle, derived from Lewin, Piaget, and Freire, emphasizes the value of experience in learning. Kolb's model is unique in that it incorporates reflection into a broader set of processes, making it suitable for use alongside other reflection-specific models(Kayes et al., 2005).


Kolb's 1984 learning styles theory emphasizes personal development and experiential learning, where learners guide their learning process, promoting active participation, critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, collaboration, and communication skills in real-life situations.(Harb, Durrant, and Terry 1993)

The learning cycle has been influential in the development of other approaches and can be used alongside his four styles of learning: divergent thinkers, assimilators, convergent thinkers, and accommodating thinkers. Divergent thinkers are sensitive, imaginative, and adept at brainstorming and problem-solving. Assimilators prefer logical, short, factual approaches, while convergers are adept at technical operations and experimentation.(Towns, 2001) 

Accommodating thinkers respond well to active experimentation and intuition. However, Kolb's ideas have disadvantages, such as being personal and not being a good fit for all reflective situations. Additionally, the separation between stages may be artificial and not mirror real experiences(Miettinen, 2000)

David Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) is a widely used learning style model that assumes people learn through direct experience. As evidence-informed practice advances, teaching practices that turn experience into knowledge are crucial for student progress. (Kosir et al. 2008)

Traditional experiential learning methods include job shadowing or internships, but with advancements in communication technology and MOOCs, higher education is increasingly incorporating experiential learning techniques like competency-based degrees. This article explores the implications of Kolb's theory in the classroom.  (Sharp 1997)   

Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle is a four-stage learning model that emphasizes the importance of hands-on experiences in learning and development. The cycle begins with a concrete experience, followed by reflection and assimilating the insights into abstract concepts. 

This model is based on experiential learning theory, which asserts that knowledge is continuously acquired through personal and environmental experiences. The theory draws from the works of psychologists like Piaget, Jung, and Dewey, and can be applied to enhance personal and professional learning journeys(Freeman, 1984).

The cycle begins with a concrete experience, where learners immerse themselves in a new experience without prejudgment. This phase allows for introspection and evaluation, allowing learners to analyze their actions and reactions. The third stage, abstract conceptualization, involves processing the reflection into new ideas or concepts, allowing learners to apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The final stage, active experimentation, involves applying the learned concepts to new situations, testing hypotheses and theories. This process can lead to transformative learning and growth(Dugan et al., 1985).  


David Kolb's Theory of Experiential Learning emphasizes the importance of experience in knowledge construction. It follows a four-stage cycle, with learners transforming their experiences into knowledge. Kolb's theory also focuses on learning styles and cognitive processes for acquiring knowledge. Individuals demonstrate their knowledge by applying abstract concepts to new situations. Completion of all stages allows the transformation of experience to knowledge. Experiences are central to Kolb's theory, as they must be transformed for it to be considered learning.Kolb's learning process cycle begins with a concrete experience, where learners actively engage in an activity or task to acquire new knowledge. After the concrete experience, learners step back to reflect, asking questions and discussing the experience with others. Communication and good vocabulary are crucial for identifying discrepancies between understanding and the experience itself. A leader's role is often defined by their focus on the future, while a manager's focus is on the present. A leader must have a strong component related to learning, both for themselves and their staff. A leader should have the ambition to go beyond transactional learning and have the skills and confidence to aspire to transformational learning. This is an ambitious challenge for busy business leaders, but subtle changes in the leader's interactions can stimulate transformational learning.(Wang et al., 2012)
To encourage transformational learning, consider the depth and scope of information given to employees. Instead of focusing on management information, offer insights into the pressures informing current organizational strategy. Encourage better questioning skills, such as asking good questions, and allow more time for them to ask questions.A third leadership approach to developing staff towards transformative learning is allowing them to do part of what you would normally do. This involves providing access to information, coaching them through data interrogation techniques, and supporting them in presenting their findings. By doing so, leaders can foster a culture of learning and growth, ultimately benefiting both themselves and their staff.(MacMahon & Murphy, 1999)


David Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) is a widely used learning style model that emphasizes direct experience as the primary method for knowledge acquisition. This theory, based on the works of psychologists like Piaget, Jung, and Dewey, can be applied to enhance personal and professional learning journeys. Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle is a four-stage learning model that begins with a concrete experience, followed by reflection and assimilating insights into abstract concepts. The cycle begins with a concrete experience, allowing learners to analyze their actions and reactions. The third stage, abstract conceptualization, involves processing the reflection into new ideas, allowing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The final stage, active experimentation, involves applying the learned concepts to new situations, leading to transformative learning and growth. To encourage transformational learning, leaders should focus on providing depth and scope of information, encouraging better questioning skills, and allowing employees to participate in their learning process.

Reference list entry

Baldwin, J. N. (1990). Public versus private Employees: Debunking Stereotypes. Review of Public Personnel Administration11(1–2), 1–27. https://doi.org/10.1177/0734371x9001100101 

Barry, C. B., Muscarella, C. J., Peavy, J. W., & Vetsuypens, M. R. (1990). The role of venture capital in the creation of public companies. Journal of Financial Economics27(2), 447–471. https://doi.org/10.1016/0304-405x(90)90064-7 

Ke, B., Petroni, K. R., & Safieddine, A. (1999). Ownership concentration and sensitivity of executive pay to accounting performance measures: Evidence from publicly and privately-held insurance companies. Journal of Accounting & Economics/Journal of Accounting and Economics28(2), 185–209. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0165-4101(99)00021-x  

MacMahon, J., & Murphy, E. (1999). Managerial effectiveness in small enterprises: implications for HRD. Journal of European Industrial Training23(1), 25–35. https://doi.org/10.1108/03090599910253519  

Towns, M. H. (2001). Kolb for Chemists: David A. Kolb and Experiential Learning Theory. Journal of Chemical Education78(8), 1107. https://doi.org/10.1021/ed078p1107.7  

Wang, Y., Yang, C., & Wang, K. (2012). Comparing public and private employees’ job satisfaction and turnover. Public Personnel Management41(3), 557–573. https://doi.org/10.1177/009102601204100310


  1. This blog highlights Kolb's Learning Cycle Theory, emphasizing experiential learning and personal development. It discusses how traditional methods like job shadowing are evolving with technology, offering valuable insights into classroom implications.

    1. Yes experiential learning is one of the famous way of learning towards the better future

    2. Kolb's experiential learning cycle concept divides the learning process into a cycle of four basic theoretical components: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation.

  2. Fascinating exploration of Kolb's Learning Cycle Theory, especially its application in modern education through technology. This piece beautifully connects theory with practical advancements, enriching our understanding of experiential learning's impact

    1. Yes there are much more theories in my upcoming posts too

  3. A great article on Kolb's Learning Cycle Theory. Yes Amesha, higher education has become more popular and is implementing experiential learning. The techniques like competency-based degrees have become a trend and is therefore valued more.

    1. I like this article too ca there are wonderful ideas to be read by the theorists

    2. The experiential learning theory comprises four stages: concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation, with the first two stages focusing on grasping and transforming experiences.

  4. Nice article. The theory embraces that experience, reflection, conceptualization and experimentation leads to personal growth.

    1. Yes actually the theory is one of my fav in the module

  5. Kolb's theory fosters holistic growth through hands-on learning, empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges with confidence and adaptability.Great article.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The experiential learning theory involves four stages: concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. The first two stages involve grasping an experience, while the last two focus on transforming it.

  6. Learners actively engage in their learning journey, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. This theory, supported by evidence-informed practices, advocates for turning experiences into knowledge, vital for student advancement in today's education landscape. With advancements in communication technology, traditional experiential learning methods are evolving, incorporating competency-based degrees and online learning platforms.

    1. Yes we can remember the days when we had the experience of proving talents

  7. The article highlights the importance of turning experiences into knowledge for student progress, especially in today's advancing educational landscape. Overall, it's an insightful look into how we learn and grow.

  8. By incorporating Kolb’s Learning Cycle into classroom practice, educators can create a dynamic learning environment that promotes critical thinking, creativity and practical application of knowledge. This approach encourages to actively participate in learning, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter (Inclusiveteach,2024).

    1. The Reflective Cycle and Experiential Learning Cycle are two terms used interchangeably to describe a four-stage learning process. Effective learning occurs through a continuous cycle of experience, reflection, conceptualization, and experimentation. This cycle involves concrete experiences, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation, where the learner applies their new ideas to the world.

  9. Overall, Kolb's Learning Cycle Theory continues to be a valuable framework for understanding and enhancing the learning process, empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in an ever-changing world.

    1. Kolb's learning style preference is influenced by factors like social environment, educational experiences, and cognitive structure. It is a product of two choices made by individuals, presented as axis lines with conflicting modes. The east-west axis is the Processing Continuum.

  10. This theory clearly explains on personal development and experiential learning.Good Blog.well explained.

    1. Yes and we could even make it a practice for more experience

  11. Good article, effective learning and development programs often incorporate a variety of learning activities to accommodate different learning styles and preferences.

    1. Thanks a lot, marina! ya the different learning styles should be practiced too

    2. And also Assimilation learning preferences prioritize ideas and concepts over people, requiring clear explanations and understanding of wide-ranging information. This style is crucial for effectiveness in information and science careers, preferring readings, lectures, and analytical models in formal learning situations.


  12. Kolb's learning cycle more on experience based. Main point is that you can enter the step any point. it will out line different type of people.

    1. Yes Kolb's experiential learning cycle can be utilized in higher education and business/corporate training for concrete experiences and reflective observation. It enhances classrooms and education technology, allowing students to conceptualize and apply learning, and fostering new strategies.

  13. Thank you sudheera .. yes the theory offers a beautiful understanding of kolb and his practices

  14. This blog emphasises experiential learning and personal growth while highlighting Kolb's Learning Cycle Theory. It explores how conventional techniques, such as job shadowing, are changing in tandem with technology, providing insightful information on the implications for education.

    1. Yes exploring about the new developments does shadow the internal character of an individual too

  15. Nice article, amesha. In summary, Kolb's work emphasises that effective learning is a continuous process that includes doing, reflecting, thinking, and then doing again. This cyclical nature enables students to acquire knowledge and test it in real-world circumstances.

    1. People with a converging learning style excel in problem-solving, focusing on technical tasks and practical solutions, preferring technical tasks over interpersonal aspects, and making informed decisions.

  16. Kolb's cycle prioritizes experiential learning, but, the article lacks to discuss learner autonomy or its relevance to other subjects. Is it possible that the approach is overly simplistic or challenging to adopt in all classes?

    1. Certain approaches are wonderfully explained in this challenging organization

  17. David Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory, clearly explaining that experiences are more important when working in the real world more than the paper qualification. I do not say that people do not need any paper qualification, but it is important to gain the real life experience for better knowledge. Good article with great explanation.

    1. The experiences of paper qualifications are tough!!! but its a challenge

  18. Kolb's theory, as you mentioned, highlights the crucial role of reflection and active experimentation in the learning process. It's fascinating to see how this cyclical model emphasizes the importance of both understanding our experiences and applying our knowledge in real-world situations. Thanks for sharing such valuable insights!

    1. The accommodating learning style is hands-on, relying on intuition and relying on others for information. It is prevalent among the general population and is attracted to new challenges and experiences.

  19. This blog effectively describes experiential learning and emphasizes how it may be a game-changer for both professional and personal development. Learners can enhance their comprehension and acquire useful abilities by actively participating in tangible events, thinking critically about them, generating new concepts, and doing experiments. This iterative method pushes students to always push themselves, adjust to changing circumstances, and broaden their horizons. All things considered, it's a strong framework for encouraging lifelong learning and growth.

    1. Educators should design activities that cater to individual learning styles and identify lesser preferred learning styles through the experiential learning cycle. Activities should be developed sequentially, utilizing abilities from each stage of the cycle.

  20. By incorporating experiential activities and encouraging reflection, educators and trainers can create more engaging and effective learning experiences that promote deeper understanding and knowledge retention. A must read article! Good work Amesha

    1. And The learner encounters a concrete experience, reflecting on it with existing knowledge, identifying inconsistencies. This leads to abstract conceptualization, which is a modification of an existing concept. The newly created or modified concepts are then applied to the world to observe their effects....

    2. Yes Hasini and Kolb (1984) posits learning as an integrated process with each stage supporting the next, with effective learning occurring when learners can execute all four stages. This process leads to the formation of complex, abstract mental models.

  21. This a really good article. This article highlights Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory's significance in promoting critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills for personal and professional growth through insightful analysis and practical examples

    1. And always keep in mind Kolb is a four-step learning process that involves concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation, achieving effective learning through logical sequences.!

  22. In This Article of David Kolb's Experimental Learning theory. he explained well how humanistic and constructivist approaches to education, which emphasize that learning occurs naturally. as Kolb Explained in his theory experience is critical in the development of knowledge construction, as learning occurs through discovery and active participation. Perfectly analysed and Insightful article.

    1. Yes The Perception Continuum involves two scales: Concrete Experience and Processing Continuum. Concrete Experience involves feeling experiences, while Abstract Conceptualization involves thinking and analyzing them. The Processing Continuum involves watching and doing experiences, with Reflective Observation focusing on thinking and reflecting, and Active Experimentation involving testing theories and engaging in new experiences. These scales help individuals learn from their experiences and develop their understanding of the world.

  23. Hi Amesha, What an amazing Article. As David Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory indicates the personal development and experiential learning emphasizing the importance of hands-on experiences in learning and development. This concept remind us the experience that collected through learning and development is the most important thing than traditional practices. Totally agree, and it's a timely important concept to be observed to have a proper outcome through experience learning and personal development.

    1. Yes Ranga! Learners process their experiences and reflections into new ideas or concepts, applying critical thinking and problem-solving skills. In a bridge-building scenario, team members might understand better communication and task division for efficient teamwork, based on their direct experiences and reflections.

  24. Yes and also Kolb's theory outlines a four-stage process for effective learning, involving concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation, benefiting students, educators, and employers.

  25. Yes and Also Kolb's learning cycle is a learning model based on experiential learning theory, focusing on hands-on experiences, reflection, and abstract concepts. Drawing from psychologists like Piaget, Jung, and Dewey, it emphasizes continuous knowledge acquisition through personal and environmental experiences. Understanding this cycle can lead to transformative growth.

  26. Hi Amila you should understand that Diverging learning styles focus on concrete experiences and reflective observation, excelling in brainstorming and problem-solving. Assimilating styles combine reflective observation and abstract conceptualization, preferring logical theories and concise problem-solving. These styles excel in situations requiring understanding and producing complex information, such as writing papers or research planning.

  27. he learning cycle is a fundamental concept that underscores the process of acquiring knowledge and skills. It encompasses several stages, each crucial for effective learning and development.

    1. Yes Nilakshi We can understand that the Experiential Learning Theory Kolb Developed as the name says, experiential learning involves the transformation of experience into effective learning. Kolb's experiential learning theory stresses how our experiences, including our thoughts, emotions and environment, impact the learning process

  28. According to Bray (2023), Kolb's learning cycle is a model of how people learn from experience, based on the work of David Kolb. According to Kolb, learning is a cyclical process that involves four stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. Each stage represents a different way of processing and transforming information, and learners need to go through all four stages to achieve deep and meaningful learning.

    1. Yes, Kovinda according to Kolb is a four-step learning process i.e. concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. Effective learning is achieved when a learner progresses through each stage. The learner may also enter the cycle of learning at any step using a logical sequence

  29. Fascinating dive into Kolb's theory and its practical applications! Thanks for educating us about the transformative approach to learning and development. It’s really opened my eyes to new ways of thinking about experiences and growth.

    1. Yes and the interesting factor is David Kolb first outlined his theory of learning styles in 1984. He believed that our individual learning styles emerge due to our genetics, life experiences, and the demands of our current environment.

  30. programs
    According to Kolb's learning cycle, we learn best when we participate fully in each step. Experience, introspection, conceptualization, and active exploration are all part of it.

    Trainers, educators, coaches, and HR development professionals wishing to adopt strategic workforce planning will find Kolb's learning cycle invaluable. Knowing this cycle is advantageous for both your career and personal life.

    1. Yes ! Kolb's cycle can be an invaluable tool for personal growth and self-improvement. Engaging in new activities provides direct experience. Reflecting on these experiences leads to new insights.

  31. Here touch on important aspects of human resource management (HRM) and organizational learning, which are crucial topics for any business. It's great to see you discussing the nature of HRM and the employee relationship, as well as highlighting the learning cycle within organizations. Both topics are essential for fostering a positive work environment and improving employee performance. Keep up the insightful content!

    1. Thank you and always remember that The Learning Cycle has four stages: Awareness, Exploration, Elaboration, and Utilization.! which will help an organization to move successfully

  32. Kolb's Learning Cycle Theory posits that individuals engage in a continuous process of learning through concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation, facilitating holistic and experiential learning experiences.

    1. yes and What is the learning cycle in teaching?
      a process for both learning and instruction. It places focus on a series of steps that encourage a more thorough understanding and a deeper application of content.

  33. And also these will be considered as important highlights.
    Establish a shared vision for a course.
    Provide modeling and mastery experiences.
    Challenge and encourage students intellectually.
    Personalize attention and feedback.
    Create experiential lessons.
    Promote pre-flection and reflection throughout the process.

  34. This article beautifully highlights the essence of Kolb's Learning Cycle theory and its practical applications in fostering personal growth and development. The emphasis on experiential learning, reflection, and active experimentation resonates deeply with the principles of effective learning. Integrating these insights into organizational activities can indeed lead to transformative learning experiences for individuals and teams alike.


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