• IDENTIFICATION OF ISSUE: Declines in employee engagement
    • APPLIED THEORY: Ludwig von theory
    • PRACTICAL THEORY:  Restructured or plan to restructure within
    • LINKED THEORIES: Ludwig Von's theory and General System Theory 
    • SOLUTION: Increase Specialization to employees 


  • Von Bertalanffy proposed open systems theory to explain life phenomena. Open systems, living organisms are examples of such systems, do not follow the second law of classical thermodynamics.(Daura et al. 1999) 
  • They are characterized by negative entropy. This property explains organismic growth, differentiation, and increasing complexity.(Avineri 1968)
  • Systems theory, proposed in the 1940s by Ludwig von Bertalanffy, aims to revive the unity of science by focusing on the arrangement and relations between parts of a system. It emphasizes that real systems are open to and interact with their environments, and can acquire new properties through emergence(Avineri 1968).
  • Systems concepts include system-environment boundary, input, output, process, state, hierarchy, goal-directedness, and information(Avineri 1968). 
  • The development of systems theory includes conceptual foundations, mathematical modeling, information theory, and practical applications. Mathematical systems theory is used in engineering, computing, ecology, management, and family psychotherapy(Jones 2016).
  • Systems analysis helps decision-makers identify, reconstruct, optimize, and control a system while considering multiple objectives, constraints, and resources.(What Is Systems Theory? n.d.)

Classical physics aimed to resolve natural phenomena into elementary units governed by "blind" laws of nature, such as the Laplacean spirit. This mechanistic view was reinforced when deterministic laws in physics were replaced by statistical laws. Physical laws are essentially "laws of disorder," the outcome of unordered, statistical events. However, problems of wholeness, dynamic interaction, and organization have appeared in modern physics, biology, and psychology. The organic conception is basic for modern biology, as it requires studying not only parts and processes in isolation but also the decisive problems found in the organization and order unifying them. In social sciences, the concept of society as a sum of individuals as social atoms was replaced by the tendency to consider society, economy, and nation as a whole superordinated to its parts(Jones 2016)

What is Employee Management?

Employee management is the effort to help employees do their best work each day in order to achieve the larger goals of the organization. There are many tasks and duties that fall under employee management, but almost all of them can fit into one of five categories: 

  1. Selection
  2. Monitoring
  3. Interaction
  4. Reward
  5. Discipline 

Performance management involves monitoring and evaluating employee performance, involving interaction between managers and reports, and rewards like praise and recognition. Discipline involves measures to improve performance, correct mistakes, and enforce company policies. Effective management relies on individual managers' ability to motivate, communicate, and build trust with their reports, acting as coaches for their employees.(Curtain and Zwart 1995) 

The best way to Manage Employees

To develop an effective employee management strategy

  1. Be consistent. Consistency will help your employees establish base expectations, and with that will come a feeling of security. Plus, most other employee management skills in this list require consistency to be truly effective.
  2. Focus on clear communication. Concentrate on clarity, accuracy, and thoroughness in all forms of communication. Be responsive when an employee has a question. Remain transparent and honest.
  3. Recognize and reward hardworking employees. Validating employees in front of their peers will remind them that hard work is rewarded and encouraged, and can help them feel motivated to grow and improve.
  4. Treat employees as individuals. While everyone should be treated equally, recognize that the same managerial and motivational approach will not work for every employee. Play to their unique strengths and ideas. Employee management software can help you take notes of strategies that work for specific employees.
  5. Encourage new ideas and opinions. Get as many people involved as possible when discussing improvements for the company. Listen to what your employees have to say, especially when it goes against common consensus.
  6. Be an example. Employees will look to their managers on how they should behave in the workplace, for better and for worse. Strive to be the worker you would want to manage, and your employees will follow your lead.
How do companies manage employees?

Caring for your employees should be central to any employee management system. This approach can take a few forms:

  1. Caring about each employee equally.
  2. Cultivating a stable work environment.
  3. Ensuring employment security. 

Nothing impedes employee success more than undefined expectations. Leaders can support the success of their team members by providing clear expectations from the moment they’re hired. Employees need to know how often to communicate with their leader and, specifically, what they’re expected to deliver in their first week, first month, and first quarter.Employees are hungry for feedback on their performance. They need to know where they’ve been the most successful and where they should focus their efforts on growth in the next weeks and months. Conduct regular performance reviews to ensure these transparent conversations are happening as often as recommended or required. Employee management means investing in team members and nurturing relationships between employees and the company. Organizations with an employee management program that offers employees the resources and support they need to perform well realize a multitude of benefits(Munir et al. 2009)


Employee management is the process of helping employees perform their best work to achieve the organization's goals. It involves tasks such as selection, monitoring, interaction, reward, and discipline. Performance management involves monitoring and evaluating employee performance, involving interaction between managers and reports, and rewards like praise and recognition. Discipline involves measures to improve performance, correct mistakes, and enforce company policies. To manage employees effectively, companies should focus on consistency, clear communication, recognition and reward, treating employees as individuals, encouraging new ideas and opinions, and being an example.Caring for employees should be central to any employee management system, taking into account factors such as creating a stable work environment, ensuring employment security, and providing clear expectations from the start. Regular performance reviews are essential for transparency and feedback. Employee management also involves investing in team members and nurturing relationships between employees and the company. Organizations with an employee management program that provides resources and support for employee performance can realize numerous benefits.

Reference list

Curtain, R.F. and Zwart, H. (1995) An Introduction to Infinite-Dimensional Linear Systems Theory [online] available from <

Guest, D. (2002) “Human Resource Management, Corporate Performance and Employee Wellbeing: Building the Worker into HRM”. Journal of Industrial Relations [online] 44 (3), 335–358. available from <

Hartline, M.D. and Ferrell, O.C. (1996) “The Management of Customer-Contact Service Employees: An Empirical Investigation”. Journal of Marketing [online] 60 (4), 52–70. available from <

Jacques, R. (1996) Manufacturing the Employee: Management Knowledge from the 19th to 21st Centuries [online] available from <

Munir, F., Randall, R., Yarker, J., and Nielsen, K. (2009) “The Influence of Employer Support on Employee Management of Chronic Health Conditions at Work”. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation [online] 19 (4), 333–344. available from <>


  1. Time management is crucial for any leader, as there are always competing demands on their time. How do you prioritize your time and manage your workload?

    1. Dear Chamara not sure time management is part of HRM or Employee management. This article covers how employee management core areas. I do agree time management is critical for any leader or manager as they will always have deadline in their organization. Please do correct if it is other way round.

    2. This ia a General systems theory, proposed by Ludwig von Bertalanffy in 1968, posits that complex systems share mathematically discoverable organizing principles, aiming to provide a comprehensive explanation for all scientific systems.

  2. I agree with you in Mathematical system theory used in engeneiring computing ecology and management.I just want to know how it used in family psychotherapy.

    1. Ludwig von Bertanlanffy's open system theory, initially developed by biologist Ludwig von Bertanlanffy, defines a system as an interdependent assemblage of interconnected parts.

  3. Good article Amesha. I believe this is Born of HRM . This is combine of activities effectively support and overseen employees with inorganization(Dessler, 2019).

  4. Amesha, catchy layout, and a different complex theory you have presented here. Bertalanffy’s General System Theory (GST) basis lies in Bertalanffy’s background as a biologist. In a nutshell, he believed that our body is a sum of all parts, and that if one part of our body fails to function properly, then the whole body cannot carry on. Therefore, he wanted employees to have a safe and sound environment which didn’t affect an employee’s performance in any way. Bertalanffy also believed that an organization had to have all its components operating properly, and that if not, it would have an undesirable consequence on the entire organization. It would be good to see more justice being done to this theory with a more in-depth study perhaps?

    1. Systems theory focuses on emergent behavior, which refers to characteristics within complex systems that cannot be explained or rationalized by looking at any single system within the whole. This approach helps develop hypotheses about the interplay between smaller systems.

  5. Hi Amesha , a wonderful article. Systems theory emphasizes the importance of feedback for maintaining stability and achieving goals. In HRM

    1. Hi dilzhad .. and to add more info Systems theory explains that the whole, like a cake, is greater than its parts, as no single ingredient or environmental factor can produce a baked good like a cake. To understand the other qualities of a product, one must learn about the other ingredients and their combination to create the final product.

  6. Moreover, Bertalanffy's ideas continue to inspire new generations of scholars and practitioners seeking to address complex challenges in various fields. His emphasis on viewing systems as dynamic entities that evolve over time has profound implications for how we approach issues ranging from healthcare to environmental sustainability.

    1. Now, consider the other factors associated with the baked good. Perhaps, it will be served at a celebration, and two people strike up a conversation and further a bond or relationship while enjoying the dessert together. So now, we have a scheduled celebration, flour, sugar, eggs, etc., and ended with two individuals strengthening their relationship—the result of the unique interaction between all these moving parts.
      Within any discipline, the application of systems theory involves looking at how all the ingredients (systems) came together to make the cake (complex system/whole) and how this ultimately gave us the end result that none of these properties could produce on their own without a change to their environment (emergent characteristic).

  7. Employee well-being is critical to the overall operation and profitability of the firm. This theory emphasizes the need of encouraging positive connections and communication in the workplace in order to promote unity and efficiency.

    1. And also one must understand System refers to interrelated entities, complex systems are larger, individual systems, ecological systems influence behavior, homeostasis is steady conditions, adaptation protects against environmental factors, and feedback loops occur when outputs affect inputs, causing a circular feedback loop.

  8. Fascinating overview of von Bertalanffy's Systems Theory, offering insightful perspectives on organizational dynamics and employee management. A great read for understanding the intricate relationships within complex systems!

    1. based on the idea that the whole is greater than its parts, has evolved in application across various fields, including social work, psychology, and physical sciences. Its modern application began after WWII, with signal detection theory being developed to improve radar and sonar systems for military personnel.

  9. This blog explores Ludwig von Bertalanffy's systems theory and its application to employee relations. It emphasizes the concept of open systems and how they interact with their environments, offering insights into employee management processes.

  10. It highlights the concept of negative entropy, explaining how organisms grow and become more complex. The post also discusses key concepts of systems theory and its practical applications in various fields like engineering, computing, and management. Overall, it provides valuable insights into how we can analyze and manage complex systems, including employee management in organizations.

    1. According to the theory General system theory is a science of wholeness, recognizing that constitutive characteristics are not explained by isolated parts, and complex characteristics emerge as new or emergent.

  11. interesting article. Ludwig von Bertalanffy's Systems Theory is a holistic approach to understanding complex systems across various disciplines including biology, psychology, sociology and management.

    1. and it assumes universally applicable concepts across fields, enabling professionals like social workers and psychologists to benefit their clients by applying it effectively.


  12. Thank you for providing a concise overview of employee management and connecting it with the principles of systems theory proposed by Ludwig von Bertalanffy.

    1. And do you know that facet of psychology that examines human behavior and experiences within complex systems. Individuals, communities, populations, and other groups are considered to be systems in homeostasis. For insights into human behavior, systems psychology looks at the greater picture of how these systems and the complex system affect one another.

  13. Yes, that's a good way to explain open systems! Focuses on organizations that function as interactive ecosystems, similar to living things. One can simplify by excluding living things and the study of energy transformations in systems.

    1. Social workers use systems theory to understand issues like child abuse, family conflict, and community dysfunction, addressing personal issues like anxiety, low self-esteem, and relationship issues.

  14. A well written article Amesha. All your points are important. Moreover, General systems theory (GST) is an interdisciplinary field that studies the principles of complex systems. We can use this theory specially in the field of management to improve the effectiveness of the organization.

    1. And to understand furthermore! Hierarchical order in living systems is crucial, as it connects to the principle of open systems. Everything is considered dynamic, with structures appearing stable on one time scale and functions as fast processes on the next situation

  15. Wonderfully Structured article Amesha. The theory Of GST is logical for any organization and management. Its mainly about developing applicable concepts and principals. even though he is an Biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffys theory can be adopted to human resources management which would be beneficial and effective in an organization improving managing employees.

    1. Thank yOu Shalindri .. one must understand that This view also includes dynamic morphology, which connects form change with physiological processes. Hierarchy is present in the genome, with genes ranging from single to extensive pleiotropism. The state of a part depends on the condition of higher levels or the organism, and research on one level cannot replace research on higher levels. This view is shared by recent researchers and plays an important role in phylogenetic systematics.

  16. Nice article Amesha ,The application of Ludwig von Bertalanffy's Systems Theory offers a profound perspective on addressing declines in employee engagement within organizations. By understanding the dynamic interplay between components within a system and its environment, we can develop strategies to increase specialization among employees. Bertalanffy's theory, emphasizing the open nature of systems and their ability to acquire new properties through emergence, provides a framework for restructuring processes within organizations. This holistic approach, integrating various disciplines and considering multiple objectives and resources, can facilitate decision-making and optimization. Furthermore, investing in employee engagement initiatives aligned with Bertalanffy's Systems Theory can enhance team morale, productivity, and overall workplace efficiency, leading to a more engaged and motivated workforce. (Ryan, 2011)

    1. Thank You Jayani and the complex systems share organizing principles which can be discovered and modeled mathematically. The term came to relate to finding a general theory to explain all systems in all fields of science.

  17. This article brilliantly outlines key strategies for managing employees effectively, covering crucial aspects like selection, monitoring, interaction, reward systems, and disciplinary measures. Moreover, it impressively showcases the practical applications of this theory across diverse fields such as engineering, computing, ecology, management, and family psychotherapy, underscoring its remarkable versatility and relevance beyond conventional business environments.

    1. The reward will be wages and salary, fringe benefits, promotions, and recognition and praise from others. And also, On the other hand, intrinsic rewards represent those rewards that are related directly to performing the job.

    2. Very informative article Ameesha. Article discusses how HRM can help improve employee engagement in organizations. It draws on Ludwig von Bertalanffy's systems theory, which focuses on relationships and interactions within systems, to explain the complexities of organizational dynamics. The article emphasizes the importance of HRM strategies in fostering engagement, communication, and performance management to effectively achieve organizational goals. The article highlights how HRM can use systems theory principles to drive positive change and improve employee engagement in organizations.

    3. Yes and Performance management is a set of processes and systems aimed at developing employees, so they perform their job to the best of their ability. The goal is to help employees build on skills that enable them to perform better in their roles, reach their potential, and boost their success while also accomplishing the strategic goals of the organization.

  18. Amesha your analysis of employee management through the lens of systems theory by Ludwig von Bertalanffy is thorough and insightful. You've effectively highlighted the importance of fostering a supportive work environment and providing clear expectations for employees. Your breakdown of practical strategies for effective employee management demonstrates a strong understanding of the topic. Well done!

    1. Thankyou thisari! and also we should understand An employee management system is technology designed to streamline core HR services and improve workforce productivity. It accomplishes these goals largely by automating labor-intensive, administrative tasks and using analytics to drive business decisions.

  19. Very informative article Ameesha. Article discusses how HRM can help improve employee engagement in organizations. It draws on Ludwig von Bertalanffy's systems theory, which focuses on relationships and interactions within systems, to explain the complexities of organizational dynamics. The article emphasizes the importance of HRM strategies in fostering engagement, communication, and performance management to effectively achieve organizational goals. The article highlights how HRM can use systems theory principles to drive positive change and improve employee engagement in organizations.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Interesting article! It draws attention to the idea of negative entropy, which explains how living things develop and become more sophisticated. Important ideas in systems theory are also covered, along with real-world applications in management, computing, and engineering. All things considered, it offers insightful information on the analysis and administration of intricate systems, such as personnel management in businesses.


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